的 新太阳城网址 website is intended as a general guide to the University's organization, programs, courses, policies, fees, programs, and procedures; all of which are subject to change without notice. All information contained within this website should be verified with the appropriate 新太阳城网址 staff. 新太阳城网址 reserves the right to cancel, postpone, combine class sections, or to limit registrations, and to change instructors.
All efforts have been made by 新太阳城网址 to ensure the material on its website is accurate and up to date, but 新太阳城网址, its agents, board of trustees, and its employees are not liable for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from the possession, publication or use of or reliance upon 这些信息. Material on this website is provided "as is" without express or 默示保证.
Material on this website is subject to copyright except for content that is unambiguously and unarguably in the public domain (i.e. 版权已过期). 会徽、印章、徽章、 Wordmark, and "An Education That Matters" slogan are property of 新太阳城网址. 版权所有. All trademark materials and logos are protected by the Copyright & Trademark Laws of the United States. 的 use of the Franklin Pierce logos are allowed 只有经过许可. No other material anywhere on this website may be copied, redistribution, retransmission or further disseminated (except as legally allowed) without the express and written permission of the legal holder of that copyright. 其他公司的标志 or organizations remain the property of their respective owners. 举报违规行为 or to inquire about usage, please contact the Marketing/Communications Office.
新太阳城网址 does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, age, disability, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, marital status or other legally protected classification in hiring, promotion and terms and conditions of employment and/or administration of educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship or loan programs, athletic and other University administered 节目和活动.
Accreditation, Authorization, Affiliations and Memberships
的 College was chartered by the State of New Hampshire on November 14, 1962, under
the provisions of Chapter 292 R.S.A. In 1965, the State Legislature granted the College
statutory authority to grant baccalaureate degrees.
新太阳城网址 is accredited by the New England Association of Schools
和学院公司., a non-governmental, nationally recognized organization whose affiliated
institutions include elementary schools through collegiate institutions offering post-graduate
指令. View our Accreditation, Authorizations, Affiliations, and Memberships.
To protect educational consumers, 新太阳城网址 attempts to provide online and print information about the institution that is accurate, honest and clear. 的 University makes efforts to avoid misrepresentation to its stake holders, prospective students, current students, faculty and staff, alumni, and our community, by informing employees of such policy and by providing transparent means of communication.
Franklin Pierce is prohibited by federal regulations (CFR title 34 sections 668.71-74) from making false or misleading statements or providing false or misleading documentation to consumers, to our accrediting bodies or to the US Department of Education (DOE). Franklin Pierce defines misrepresentation as any false or misleading communication made by the institution or one of its official representatives.
A misrepresentation may be a false or misleading statement about: Franklin Pierce University's programs, financial charges, graduation rates, or employability of graduates, made directly or indirectly to any person, the DOE, and/or an accrediting agency with 欺骗的可能性. This includes dissemination of a student testimony or endorsement made under duress or because the student was made, by the University, to make such an endorsement to participate.
Franklin Pierce views a substantial misrepresentation as any misrepresentation on which the person to whom it was made could reasonably be expected to rely, or has reasonably relied, to that person’s detriment.